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  The Heroic Love Stories Of Marriage Equality


Listen To The JustMarried Podcast Intro

00:00 / 03:47

JustMarried explores the heroic love stories of marriage equality –brave LGBTQ+ couples and allies who gained life-saving civil rights. A moving, and at times, heart-breaking look at extraordinarily courageous people who opened up their private lives, to the scrutiny of a nation, to convince politicians, preachers and the public of their right to history’s most cherished institution–marriage. The decades long fight for societal inclusion came from people of a variety of age, race, religion, gender identity, political and social economic backgrounds portraying love and courage–at a time when we could use more of both.

Listen To The JustMarried Podcast
Episode 1: In Sickness And In Health

00:00 / 41:49

Click here to answer a handful of questions about Episode 1.

The survey is anonymous and helps us enhance our storytelling of these important stories.

Thank you!

Jim Obergefell, the named plaintiff in the U.S. Supreme Court case Obergefell v Hodges that struck down bans on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional, bringing about marriage equality in the USA.

Watch the Promo Reel Following Jim!

We didn't go into it to be activists–

We went into it, to be together.

the beauty of this series: the love stories

the magic: witnessing individuals who - taught since childhood to keep quiet –
come out and speak their truth to realize dignity in their own lives
and find acceptance from fellow Americans
the urgency:  Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, who beat California’s Prop 8 said it best:

“We never expected, once we’d won, we might have to fight all over again.
But that seems to be the way when it comes to human rights.
When you think the war is won–think again.”
Each narrative embodies the long fight for societal inclusion and its companion: dignity.

These stories are about love and courage– at a time when we may need them most.
It is a historical collection that  educates and inspires future generations to understand why people fought for our rights— and how easily those rights can be lost.

We believe the best way to fight is to remain defiantly visible and with our stories,
and stay in the hearts of everyday Americans.

With JustMarriedWe intend to do just that.

Go deeper into the JustMarried Project

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